- meat paste
- мясной паштет
English-Russian dictionary of culinary. 2014.
English-Russian dictionary of culinary. 2014.
meat paste — noun A spread made of ground meat • • • Main Entry: ↑meat … Useful english dictionary
meat paste — мясной паштет tongue paste языковый паштет fish liver paste паштет из печени рыбы goose liver paste паштет из гусиной печени chicken liver paste паштет из куриной печени anchovy paste анчоусовая паста; паштет из рубленой кильки … English-Russian travelling dictionary
paste — I UK [peɪst] / US noun [uncountable] 1) a kind of glue, often made of flour and water, that is used to make paper or something else stick to a surface wallpaper paste 2) a food made by crushing meat, fish, or vegetables. It can be added to other… … English dictionary
paste — paste1 [peıst] n [Date: 1200 1300; : Old French; Origin: Late Latin pasta] 1.) meat/fish/tomato etc paste a soft smooth food, made by crushing meat, fish etc 2.) [U and C] a soft thick mixture that can easily be shaped or spread ▪ Mix the powder… … Dictionary of contemporary English
paste — paste1 [ peıst ] noun uncount 1. ) a kind of glue, often made of flour and water, that is used to make paper or something else stick to a surface: wallpaper paste a ) a food made by crushing meat, fish, or vegetables. It can be added to other… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
paste — [[t]pe͟ɪst[/t]] pastes, pasting, pasted 1) N MASS Paste is a soft, wet, sticky mixture of a substance and a liquid, which can be spread easily. Some types of paste are used to stick things together. He then sticks it back together with flour… … English dictionary
Meat analogue — Hong Kong style tofu from Buddhist cuisine is prepared to have a texture similar to meat … Wikipedia
Meat pie — Homemade meat pie with beef and vegetables. Chicken and rabbit meat pie … Wikipedia
paste — 1 noun 1 meat/fish/tomato etc paste a soft mixture made from crushed solid food that is used in cooking or is spread on bread 2 (C, U) a soft thick mixture that can easily be shaped or spread: Mix the powder with enough water to make a smooth… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
paste — n. & v. n. 1 any moist fairly stiff mixture, esp. of powder and liquid. 2 a dough of flour with fat, water, etc., used in baking. 3 an adhesive of flour, water, etc., esp. for sticking paper and other light materials. 4 an easily spread… … Useful english dictionary
meat — Synonyms and related words: Brazil nut, TLC, act of love, adultery, almond, almond paste, amande, amande douce, amandes mondees, aphrodisia, aspic, ass, axiom, bag, balling, ballocks, balls, barbecue, basics, basis, basket, beard, bench mark,… … Moby Thesaurus